Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday Jan 19, 2018

MY MATH CLASS:  In unit 3 this week the students used visual models to solve fraction addition and subtraction number stories.  They took a quiz today on these concepts.  Next week students will begin multiplying fractions by whole numbers.

SOCIAL STUDIES: In our study of the 13 colonies, the students are learning about the Southern Colonial way of life on plantations and how the dependency on slavery affected the economy.  We'll compare and contrast all three regions of the 13 colonies and begin reviewing for an end of the unit test.

READING:  Our novel study on the "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" is in its 11th chapter.  We've identified the over-all problem of the story, compared and contrasted decisions made by the characters and how they've affected the plot, and are continuing vocabulary study throughout the middle chapters.  

LANGUAGE ARTS:  In our opinion unit, students have written their second and third body paragraphs.  After model-writing conclusion paragraphs the students wrote their own conclusion paragraph for their current opinion piece.  Next week we'll continue our practice with a different topic.  In spelling they took their unit 16 cloze test today.  See unit 17 words sent home today.