Harsey’s 6th Hour Math Class
1 Review
Please complete the following pages:
1. Estimating and Multiplying with 2 Digit
Numbers p. 54
2. Choosing Multiplication Strategies (use
tradition) p. 56
3. Addition
and Subtraction Number Stories p. 93
4. Reading
and Writing Decimals p. 113
5. Decimal
Addition and Subtraction with Grids (you don’t have to shade the grids) p. 144
6. Using
Algorithms to Add Decimals p. 146
7. Using
Algorithms to Subtract Decimals p. 148
If you complete one page every other day you should
complete all of what has been assigned.
Every page is on a concept that I feel confident you can do
independently. Feel free to use the
Internet as a resource or ask for an adult for assistance. If you use your resources and still need
support feel free to send me an email at